IND ?> Inv. number
CN/NP ?> Common name / Nominal Pitch
Oboe in C
TS ?> Type or system
12 keys and 2 rings
MK ?> Maker
IN ?> Mark, inscriptions
(barbican tower with 3 merlons) / TRIEBERT / A PARIS – on all 3 parts.
- PL ?> Place of origin Paris
- DM ?> Date of making Probably 2nd quarter of the 19th century.
- MATERIALS Probably kingwood (Bois de Violette) with silver mounts and keywork.
- Body Length 563mm
- TJ length (body + tenon) 212mm + 18mm
- MJ length (body +tenon) 209mm + 22mm
- B length 142mm
- Acoustic Length 322mm
- Minimal bore 4.4mm
- Reed well diameter 6.7mm
- Reed or crook well depth (if cylindrical) 17mm
- Bore at end of TJ 9.3mm
- Bore at top of MJ 10.3mm
- Bore at end of MJ 14.4mm
- Bore at top of B 14.8mm
4 silver mounts, including top finial cup and reed well.
12 keys with round lipped flaps, and 2 rings (‘Brille’). All keys on rods and pillars. Octave key and rings on long axles. Separate long levers for Eb-left and Low B.
On TJ: Octave key, C# or D trill key, C-trill key, Bb for R1, G# for L4;
On MJ: 2 rings operating F# vent key, cross-F, C-C#-Eb for R4 (C-C# linked), Eb-left and low B for L4;
Low B-key on bell.
No thumb rest.
SATK (springs attached to the keys).
Reed well, tenons (with cork), sockets, joint/bell ends metal lined.
3rd and 4th hole doubled with finger cove.
Key-holes milled out with countersunk edge. Octave key-hole with metal insert.
Bell with inner rim.
FL ?> Faults
Some pads missing. Wood body varnish worn on MJ and B. Bell bottom a little bit chipped.
PA ?> Playing Accessories
Mahillon (R1978) Vol.IV p.194 mentions a boxwood reed case with reeds. This could not be located.
UP ?> Usable Pitch
A = c.440–2Hz with reed TL 66.9mm / staple 42mm / tip width 7.7mm and with reed TL 71mm / staple 47mm / tip width 7.3mm.
The shorter reed gives a slightly higher pitch.
PC ?> Performance Characteristics
Instrument plays well.
PO ?> Previous Ownership
Mahillon (R1978) Vol.IV p.194: “This instrument belonged to Louis Friart [sic], during his lifetime oboe professor at the Royal Brussels Conservatorium of music”.
Joseph-Louis Friard (1790 Thonon-Savoie–1879 Brussels) being a fellow alumnus of Gustave Vogt at the Paris Conservatoire, was the first oboe teacher at the Brussels Conservatorium from 1832–1861, and principal oboe of the Monnaie Theatre opera orchestra.
The 1855 Triebert catalogue p.4 mentions that Triebert is the official supplier (“fournisseur”) of the Brussels Royal Conservatorium.
- FM ?> Further information on maker
SR ?> Specific literature Reference
Mahillon (R1978) Vol.IV p.194.
Listed in Young (1993) p.238.
Comparable instruments
Brussels: MIM 2318, being very similar, though probably an earlier instrument with later adaptations and additions.
Edinburgh: EUCHMI no.963, but with half-hole plateau.
Oxford, The Bate Collection: Triebert oboe no.235, bearing some similarities in measurements and keywork style.
Probably made by Guillaume Triebert. Refined keywork. Matches no.1 (‘ancien système’) of the Triebert 1855 catalogue, but with a Eb-left and 2 extra trill keys, and without half-hole plateau.
Rosewood according to Mahillon (R1978) Vol.IV p.194 (“Bois de palissandre”), and Young (1993) p.238.