{The Brussels Musical Instruments Museum Oboe Collection}
Stefaan Verdegem - Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel
IND ?> Inv. number
CN/NP ?> Common name / Nominal Pitch
Tenor oboe (Taille de hautbois) in F
TS ?> Type or system
3 keys
MK ?> Maker
Rottenburgh, I.H.
IN ?> Mark, inscriptions
I⋅H⋅ / ROTTENBURGH / (six-point star) – on all 3 parts.
- PL ?> Place of origin Brussels
- MATERIALS Most probably boxwood with 3 brass ferrules and brass keys.
Full measurements courtesy Marcel Ponseele, drawings by Johannes Fankhauser.
- full_measurements1
- Body Length c.744.1mm
- TJ length (body + tenon) 285.7mm + 35.3mm
- MJ length (body +tenon) c.300.4mm + 38.6mm
- B length c.158.0mm
- Acoustic Length 444.4mm
- Minimal bore c.8.1mm
- Reed well diameter 10.5mm
- Bore at end of TJ 14.0mm
- Bore at top of MJ 15.2mm
- Bore at end of MJ 20.0mm
- Bore at top of B 20.2mm
3 brass keys with round flat flaps, type Young-S for C-key, type Heyde-179/1 for Eb-keys, the keyhead being the mirror of the touch.
Raised key rings not circular.
SATB (springs attached to the body).
3rd and 4th hole doubled with finger cove.
1 vent-hole in bulb bell.
Ring-eye on the back of the body for necklace strap.
FL ?> Faults
Fair condition except for bell which is heavily damaged, cracked, chipped and reglued together. One crack in top joint. Instrument shows several signs of keys that have been added later (octave key, Bb and G#, cross F), which were taken off again later, and restored (holes plugged) to original condition.
PA ?> Playing Accessories
Bocal in brass TL 98mm (not clear if original).
UP ?> Usable Pitch
A = c.415Hz with reed TL 52.8mm / staple 28mm ø 5mm / tip width 11mm, with bocal TL 101mm ø 6.6mm + 3.5mm.
PC ?> Performance Characteristics
This is the best playing instrument of both 2618 and 2619. Nice sound, easy emission, good forked-fingerings, even intonation.
PO ?> Previous Ownership
- FM ?> Further information on maker
SR ?> Specific literature Reference
Mahillon (R1978) Vol.IV p.361
Ottenbourgs (1989) pp.560–3.
Listed in Young (1993) p.194.
Mentioned in Waterhouse (1993) p.337.
Comparable instruments
Stockholm Musikmuseet F288, see www.musikmuseet.se.
Oxford, The Bate Collection, no.248.
Haynes type-C. Young (1993) p.194 calls this the ‘military model’.
Possibly pear-wood according to Charles Indekeu. Boxwood according to Young (1993) p.194, Mahillon (R1978) Vol.IV p.361, and Marcel Ponseele.
It is not clear if the (very large) vent-hole in the bulb bell is original. The Brussels MIM 2618 and 0180, and Stockholm F288 do not have it.